Carina pictures

Friday, November 18, 2005

mmm... Cereal Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 06, 2005

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Edinburgh, Scotland Posted by Picasa

We all went on a trip over to Scotland, Ireland and Iceland. Posted by Picasa

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Magellan asleep on Carina. Posted by Picasa

Magellan his first day here. Posted by Picasa

Magellan and his two sisters. Posted by Picasa

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Carina at the beach. Posted by Picasa

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Chasing bubbles Posted by Picasa

MMmmm... grapes. Posted by Picasa

Carina and Abagail playing the piano. Posted by Picasa

Carina likes giving Magellan hugs and kisses. Posted by Picasa

Magellan and Pounce de Leon, napping together. Posted by Picasa

Carina and Magellan, napping... Posted by Picasa

About half way through trick-or-treating, Carina realised that she wasn't just visiting, people were also giving her candy. She stopped putting them in her bag, and started trying to hand them to us, saying "open! open!" Posted by Picasa

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Halloween Costume. Carina was just so excited to be a "doggie". Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 05, 2005


This is just a test to see what on earth I'm doing.